However Halloween isn't a traditional Italian holiday, still it is celebrated by young people all around the country. In the cities you can find open-air markets with sweets and handcrafted novelties.
On December 7th Milan celebrates its saint, Sant'Ambrogio, and the next day is the Catholic feast of Immaculate Conception, which is a national holiday. So, in these days in Milan you can find the biggest fair of Christmas decorations and novelties, Obej Obej (from the Italian ``oh bei oh bei!``, ``oh nice oh nice!``).
Christmas is the most important Catholic feast in Italy. From December 24th to January 7th you will many shops closed for holidays!
Carnival is one of the best moments to visit Italy. The most famous are in Venice, Ivrea and Viareggio, but every small town has its own celebration.<br /> If you are in Milan, don't forget: in that only city Carnival comes a week later!
Easter (and the next day, called Pasquetta or ``little Easter``) is a national holiday in Italy. Enjoy eating chocolate eggs and dove-shaped cakes!